Friday, May 6, 2011

Done with Business Finance

I checked my grades from school this morning and my finance grade (finally) was posted. I passed Business Finance!! Which means that I don't have to retake that class next semester. I would have liked a higher grade in that class but at the same time I'm just glad I passed that class. I'm still waiting on one more grade from my online class and when that grade posts I can finally say my summer break has officially begun.

Hopefully next semester will be better for me because I don't have to take any more math-related classes in college!

"I've never let my school interfere with my education."
~Mark Twain

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Done With Finance (Hopefully)!!

I'm (hopefully) done with Business Finance!! Why do I say hopefully? Well at MTSU if you enroll in Business Finance 3010 everyone has to take the final and everyone has to pass the final with a 45 in order to pass the class. Does not sound too hard right? Wrong!! Business Finance has been one of the hardest classes I have taken at college so far and probably one of my worse classes, which was why I was so nervous about taking the final exam.

Last night the final started at 6:00 p.m. and we had 2 hours to take it. The final (to me) was not as bad as i thought it would be but it was still a very, very tough test. Now all I can do is wait. I have to wait until my finance teacher posts my grade for this class to know whether I passed this class or not. I really do hate waiting ugh.

Keep your fingers crossed!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Long Road Ahead...

I'm still here everyone I have just been really, really busy with school and work lately.

Finals at college started this week and studying for them has used up all of my brain power capacity. I have already taken 2 finals so far and I still have 2 more finals to take before I'm done with this semester of college. The final I'm worried about the most is Business Finance. That final is tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. and this past week I have done nothing except agonize and study for this final. The catch with this test is you have to get 45% correct or you will fail the class--that goes for anyone taking this class. Well, you think getting a 45 on a test will not be that difficult well it is going to be from what I can tell. There is so much information you have to know for this test that my brain is about to explode. I'm really not sure if I can get the grade I need on this final. I really hope I can get a 45 on this test. If I don't then I'm going to have to retake this WHOLE course next semester. :-(

Once these finals are over with I will (hopefully) be able to relax somewhat.

So far, this current deployment has been going ok so far. Josh is doing well and he tries to call me everyday or so, which makes me one very happy camper. ;-) I know we still have a long road ahead of us but hearing his voice often sure makes this deployment go by a lot faster.

I'm sorry that I have not blogged in a while and I will try to blog more often which I believe will happen since I a have long and boring summer ahead of me.

"Whenever there is darkness there is an an extraordinary opportunity for light to burn brighter."


Thursday, April 14, 2011

It Has Been A While...

It has been  a while since I have updated my blog and I apologize for that in advance. With this school semester coming to a close, working two jobs, and this upcoming play I'm stage managing for I have had little free time to say the least. So here are some updates about what has been going on:

I'm almost done with this semester of school!!! After this week I'll have two weeks of school left and those two weeks are going to be hell for me. However, after those two weeks of hell my summer break will officially have begun. :-)

I'm stage managing a play at my local arts center so that has also been keeping me busy a lot lately. I have had rehearsals every night the past two weeks and the play starts this Friday night and runs through the last weekend in April. But this play is worth taking my time for because it's such a great and funny play to say the least.

Josh is doing well; I get to talk to him more than I thought I would but I'm not going to complain about that lol. I just cannot wait to see that smiling face of his again.

That's pretty much it for right now. I'll try to update my blog more but I can't really promise that until these two weeks of school are done with.

I hope everyone has a good day!!

"When you have completed 95 percent of your journey, you are only halfway there."
~Japanese Proverb

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Quit the 30 Day Challenge.

Sorry to say but I have officially quit the 30 day challenge; I just don't have the time for it anymore.

After today I only have 4 weeks of school left until the summer time!!

I would post more but that school work is not going anywhere anytime soon ugh.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Group Projects Suck!!!

I have always hated group projects in school because it always felt like to me that I was the one who was doing all the work. Well, at the beginning of this school semester we were assigned a promotions plan group project that included a 10-12 page paper that had to be bounded and a PowerPoint presentation in front of the class.

This morning a girl from my group and I went and got our paper bounded and I think it looks really nice. However, when I got to work this morning I noticed a couple of mistakes with the table of contents. Are you freaking serious??? (the guy who did the table of contents didn't bother to proofread it ugh).

We have five people in our group and one girl has only done only 1 page for this entire project and she pretty much abandon our group. Two other group members were giving me and the other girl detailed instructions on how they wanted it bounded, but when we ask them when can they come with us to get it bound they say, "We are too busy; we can't do it." Ugh!!!!! The bounded part is due tomorrow and I'm pretty some of my group members will go off on me for not being the bounded the right way and if they do I'm just going to say F*** ya'll because I have done most of this project.

And this is why I HATE group projects!!

"Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself...'How did I get through all of that?"
~Unknown Author

Day 06-A Picture of a Person You'd Love to Trade Places with for a Day

I would love to trade places just for one day with Kate Middleton. She is just so beautiful, charming, and very well-dressed all the time.